Job description
This call is aimed at filling a full-time faculty position for the Department of Electronic Engineering at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM or USM, for short) in the field of Telematics (Code 22-04-67) in the San Joaquín Campus of UTFSM in Santiago. Telematics Engineering at UTFSM is a professional career that has been implemented since 2003 to provide the knowledge needed to conceive, design, implement and operate all kinds of telecommunication networks, as well as knowledge of network security mechanisms, data transmission, protocols, services, and applications.
Candidates may be Chilean or foreign nationals, in possession of a doctoral degree with specialization in one of the following areas: telecommunication systems planning and performance analysis (layers ISO/OSI 3-7); and integration of telecommunication systems, including Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure.
More details: Download the call
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